Sunday, November 01, 2009


Our night consisted of a lot of Hallowe'en fun. Trunk or Treat with our ward (church), neighborhood trick or treating (I got voted the one to stay home and give out the candy since I refused to de-gut the pumpkin), and then a relaxing gathering with friends with yummy healthy food (yeah for veggies!)
The glow-sticks for keeping an eye on my little pumpkins were a HUGE hit. They became, of course, lightsabers, and we even had other children begging for our extras.
The kids were beyond tuckered out and the cowboy had already fallen asleep when we made our way home... only to discover that there had been a mis-communication with a child who had run in last minute to get warmer clothing and we were officially locked out of our house.

We checked each door and window (removing all the screens in the process). Contemplated kicking down a door, and even tried to bribe skinny Mr. T to climb into the little opening to the crawl space to let us in. Calling a locksmith to pay an after-hour fee was beyond my cheap economic husband, and so instead we used a knife to cut through the drywall in the garage into the house. We cut a very small hole. Mr. Man used his skill and precision to cut, while I used my skill to show him the exact spot where we would be able to put our hand through and reach where my keys were hanging without knocking them down. It worked. The whole "getting in" process took about 45 long minutes. After which, the witch still had to shower off the green from her face and the black from her hair - which was a whole other mess in my white bathroom... don't get me started!

We now have two sick kids. One with diarrhea (don't you HATE that word), the other with a fever and cough. So we definitely feel tricked. The treat, of course, is all the loot my kids brought in... and how much fun they had. The next trick will be the weight I gain from eating all the treats... well, just the Twix, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, and Kit Kats... yum.


Anonymous said...

The word is cost minimizer, not cheap. The objective was to get into the house. There were several options all with corresponding 'costs'. Using a drywall knife to cut a small box out seems the most easy fix and, other than my labor, quite inexpensive to implement. It also had a good probability of success. However, I was a little unnerved after one set of keys hit the ground as I was cutting.

Laura said...

Saturday project idea: keyless-entry coded garage door opener! Worth it's weight in gold. I have been so grateful for that thing as my kids have "discovered" their ability to lock the door! That and my extra car key have saved me more times than I can count! LOL! There's always the "key rock" ;-) Sorry there was a lot of trick with your treat!

Kendra said...

ugh! that black hair! two of ours had their heads covered in black a couple of weeks ago and andy got the fun job of washing, re-washing and washing again the bathroom from top to bottom. never again!!!

sounds like an eventful night. i bet you were missing our old doors that could be opened with a credit card!:)

Jennifer said...

definitely a Halloween that will surely be laughed about in years to come :)

Mamabug said...

Awesome feat! I must admit that it wouldn't have crossed my mind to cut a whole in the wall. Very creative! Oh and I like the term "cost minimizer" - I will have to keep that in mind when speaking about my own hubby.

Balancing & Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not.  P...