Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Pressing On
(just one girlfriend!)
It’s been a rough week. Last Tuesday was Mr. Man’s birthday and in the midst of the celebrations my little brother was in a horrendous car accident. Needless to say there’s been a lot of stress and my body is finally starting to relax and the anxiety that having someone you love in a coma induces is decreasing as his recovery progresses. With hopes of going up to visit my brother before school commences, we had discussed with my doctor being induced tomorrow. Today I went in for my check-up and without giving gross specifics on the internet… my body is NOT ready to give birth. My doctor refuses to “torture” me and was pretty certain with what drugs he feels he could give me (since I’ve had a c-section) I would be in the hospital for two or three days before making enough progress to even have my water broken. So all my well-made plans are distraught, and our celebrations for my last day to be pregnant are awash. Meanwhile I may actually take up my Mom’s crazy idea of doing jumping jacks as I await my next check-up that will be on my birthday! So now comes the enduring to the end… and I’m going to try my best to do as my friend suggested and endure it well.
(Talking on a CD for Uncle Kyle)
Monday, July 23, 2007
Quote of the Day
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Oh baby, baby...
Mr. T had another one of his fevers this week, and now we’re being referred to an immunologist. His white blood cell count was fine, but he did have blood in his urine. It’s just becoming rather strange that for the past year (at least that we’ve kept track of) he has had a fever over 104 every 3-4 weeks that lasts from a couple of days to a week. So time will tell… yet again!
My true purpose of this blog was to boast about my fabulous husband. I recognize all my moaning and groaning that occurred in his absence, and I feel like he has been foiled in the praise that he deserves upon his return. Oh how I love this man… and oh how I love him being in my home. While I mentioned everyone doing swimming lessons at the same time, I failed to mention that Mr. Man is doing swim lessons with Little E! The only DAD in the class the others have re-named, “Mommy and Me” (though it is a politically-correct “Parent Tot” Class), he is stellar! Yesterday he took the kids on an all morning adventure at the Farmer’s Market, where he concluded that he doesn’t feel at all like he fits in without being pregnant, sporting a tattoo or wearing Teeva’s . They had the greatest time – and all came back covered in paint from some sort of painting of a truck that occurred! Also he has been absolutely wonderful on the nights when I was too tired, or too sore to stay up any longer with Mr. T’s fevers and hallucinations, and then lets me take long naps the following day! I also want to boast that Mr. Man is back on his bike and “safely” working in long bike rides which have resulted in him already losing five pounds just last week! I could go on and on… for now I’ll just stop so I can go kiss my sweetie!
PS – The picture is of one of the sunflowers Mr. Man brought home for me from the Farmer’s Market!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Nine Months
Monday, July 16, 2007
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Family Vacation
So we’re back… and all in one piece too! We had a most relaxing enjoyable trip. Maybe a little too much family together time, but nonetheless we are refreshed, tanned and smiling to be back in our own beds! (In fact we checked out last night instead of this morning because Mr. Man and I – the epitomes of discomfort – refused to sleep another night on “those” beds!)
Since we planned our little getaway a bit last minute, there weren’t any cabins available for the whole week and so they arranged for us to split our time between two different cabins – the “Optimum Cedar Cabin” and the “A-Frame Chalet”. Let’s just say that our first three days in the optimum were absolutely divine! Hosting a hot tub and jacuzzi, a fireplace and plenty of space and beds for all! It was super clean, sported a great kitchen with a full-size fridge and stove and was off on its own turf hidden from all the other cabins. We were spoiled. We never would have picked this cabin on our own, but we would choose no other again! Mr. T was heard to say, “Can we stay here forever?!” When we moved to the dark and scary A-Frame, we basically felt like we were camping. Enough said.
We spent most of our time outside at the resort’s pool, the local beach and the kids and Mr. Man taking hikes and walks to the lake. We had campfires, smores, and lots and lots of ice cream! I didn’t wear my watch all week (and for those of you who know me, this is an anomaly) and we weren’t on any schedule of any sort. On a couple of rainy afternoons we watched some fun new (to us) kid movies, and then there was the time Mr. Man won the beach battle and we stayed under a covering for over a half hour waiting for the downpoor that was “sure to blow over without us getting a drop”! We went through a whole bottle of sunscreen for how much we were outside in the beautiful summer sun! This was our first family vacation (besides camping) that we’ve taken on our own – not visiting other family! We will definitely be doing this kind of thing again – yeah for family vacations. However, after five days we were all pretty much ready to come home, so we may make it a day or two shorter! We were a bit limited with what we could do around the area, mostly because of Mr. Man’s need for recovery and my need to keep my leg up, so after a while our “relaxing” activities became a bit monotonous for the kids, and I think they all started to miss their toys, beds and space. While we were away our van has been repaired, Mr. Man's bike is being repaired as are his wounds slowly healing. We only had one bee sting, one sunburn, one pulled muscle, one fever and stomach bug and one grossly enflamed ear from a allergy to a bug bite - so not bad for a family of almost six in a weeks time!!! Still, absolutely no regrets (let’s not talk about the scary A-frame), and a second hurray for fun relaxing family vacations!
Today in primary the kids had to draw a picture of something their family does to follow Jesus Christ in faith. Mr. T's picture was shared with the group, and his teacher quoted him as saying that one way to do this was to "go on vacation and sit in the hot tub with your family". So apparently we made some memories too!
Saturday, July 07, 2007
The "Gimpy" Family
We are a wreck! One glance at us and you may think we were in some kind of a wreck – each and every one of us. I am one wobbly pregnant lady with a gimpy leg and enough whining to accompany it all that you would think I was “seriously” injured. Big J has her share of bumps, bruises and splinters, and had her stitches out today only to show her knee off to her brothers by practically ripping it back open! Mr. T has a split lip that has fortunately lost some of its fatness from a run in with his brother’s head. Not to mention the bruise on the side of his face, his bug bites he had an allergic reaction to and are swollen and icky looking, and oh, his ankle’s been hurting. Little E kissed the sidewalk the other day carrying wood to the backyard and split his lip all the way up to his nose… no stitches were required, and it’s healing nicely… but still…
Mr. Man obviously felt a little left out, and so he had to go and outdo all of us. Last night he left for a nice relaxing bike ride and returned quietly claiming that he was hurt. That was an understatement. Going down a hill at 45 mph his front tire blew and though he tried to brake, he was able to unclip himself and miss the miles of mailboxes and merely fly through the air and hit his whole right side on the asphalt – slamming his head on the pavement. Thankfully, his helmet took the brunt of it, and his head just hurt and had a couple of “lacerations”. After feeling completely overwhelmed at all of his injuries we began cleaning out all the asphalt and treating each and every wound we could. The bruising is so severe and I just ache when I think about what his body must feel like. After an uncomfortable night and lots of prodding from an anxious wife (and we’re supposed to be leaving for our cabin on the beach tomorrow) he went to the hospital this morning for x-rays and treatment – which included some stitches on his elbow that had still not stopped bleeding. Apparently all the doctors and nurses who treated him after he was “admitted” described him as “tough as *$@%”. He sure is tough, and thankfully nothing is broken except his bike and helmet! I don’t even know how to describe all his injuries – his shoulder and whole right side down to his ankle look like they will never be the same. Mr. Man exclaimed last night, “so this is what road rash looks like”. He’s hoping he’ll be well enough by Tuesday to enjoy the beach. Mostly we’re all grateful that this accident didn’t prove much worse, given the circumstances, and that he is all in one piece – including his brain and mind! Here’s the one picture I have permission to post…
Our first aid kit has been restocked and is ready for a relaxing trip at the beach! See you in a week!
Thursday, July 05, 2007
In Our Own Backyard
This is one of our first times to be at home during July 1st (CANADA DAY!) and July 4th. Typically this is when Mr. Man and I take a trip together.alone.without.any.children. Unfortunately this year that is an impossiblity. So, the kids and Mr. Man voted on a camping trip. While at first adamantly opposed, I finally compromised on a camping trip out back behind our house (so that I could still sleep on the wonderful bed upstairs!) The tent was set up (I forgot to get any pics of it) the trampoline, I mean air mattress blown up, and a chiminea purchased so that we could do our own roasting of hot dogs, and smores in our own backyard! The kids had a blast! We had three nights of staying up hours and hours past the kids bedtime, friends over to share in the fun, yummy food, sparklers, fireworks and even time to catch a movie during a rainy afternoon! So even though we have to keep Big J dry and relatively safe (with no bike riding too!) we've been able to have a fun week! (Though I'm not suggesting we give up our weekend away tradition in the future!!!)
Monday, July 02, 2007
My Bags are Packed, I'm Ready to Go... almost
Lately I’ve been dreaming I’m having a girl. Last night was probably my “longest” baby dream I’ve had in a while. There’s no way I can re-write all the details that the dream fairy took so long to incorporate… but I will attempt to get at least the gist of it across. You see apparently there was some sort of summer Olympics event taking place in the field behind my backyard. We had several friends coming and going, since we had ideal (and free) seats to view the events. Mr. Man was at school working on his dissertation, and it was getting dark and all my kids were already sleeping. A few of our friends were still over and that’s when my labor started… while the Olympic people were taking down some of their apparatus outside for the night. My baby became very active and suddenly pushed down really hard… so hard I could suddenly feel “her” down by my knee! (I can still almost feel this – it was so strange and so real!) I was freaking out and our friends were so helpful and calm, calling an ambulance and my doctor, leaving a message for Mr. Man to meet me at the hospital, asking little tidbits about caring for my kids… I was running around freaking out trying to pack a bag with odds and ends and mostly worried that since the baby was in my knee and leg (my sore right leg of course) that I would inevitably need another c-section. “You think?” replied my friend! (So I guess even in my dream this was a little strange.) The end of my dream kept playing over and over, changing slightly each time as I attempted the perfect ending. Once I gave birth in the ambulance and I’m pretty sure we both died. Another time they had to cut off my leg to get the baby out. A third time the children were present while I was trying to give birth and I asked them to duct tape my mouth so I wouldn’t be screaming and scare them. Sometimes Mr. Man was there, and sometimes he wasn’t. I never had any of my “laboring” music with me and that was VERY bothersome to me… It went on and on. I woke up in a sweat and a little nervous. Today I’m going to pack my bag and make my “plans” for where our kids will go, etc. I think my sister-in-law may have induced this dream… she called last night right before I went to bed to let me know that one of her friends who is due July 31st gave birth on Saturday. I want two more weeks please! That should give me plenty of time to figure out every possible crazy dream situation.
Balancing & Blogging
I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not. P...
I have a really good thing going. I make list after list of home and other projects, and my husband helps me make them a reality. He's...
It’s been a good day. Spring has finally decided to come and I’ve packed away the winter gear for a second time so it best decide to stay. O...
Mr. T: “Look, these are the kids. And they tied the Mom up. Now they’re going to shoot arrows at her and cut off her legs with the ax and K...