Thursday, July 13, 2006

LMNOP & My Little Sickie

I have a very sick little boy on my hands. We go to see a specialist tomorrow so I'll keep you up to date. Right now his whole ankle and foot is swollen up like no other regardless of how often I ice it and keep it elevated. He also has his high fever again (103-104.7) with meds... which may or may not be related to his foot injury. We called the orthopedic specialist earlier and she thought he might have an infection in his bones if the fever is related. With our little sickie it's always hard to tell. We'll keep you up to date after our appointment and more x-rays. His bug bites are looking better though, so that's the good news!

I love to read and haven't given myself much oppourtunity to do so as of late. My little brother recommended a book to me the other day and even lent me a copy so I wouldn't have any excuse not to read it. I even adore the title - Ella Minnow Pea: A Novel in Letters by Mark Dunn. I read it in almost one sitting. (And if you don't have a sick kid, you could do it easily in just one!) I loved this book - very witty and the writing is intoxicating. Here's a review I found from (since I have a nasty habit of giving away too much). I highly recommend it! It's one I want to have on my shelf. My only criticism with it would be that it had to end! It would definately be a fun one for any book group too. Thanks Kyle!

“There’s the whiff of a classic about Ella Minnow Pea.” —The Christian Science Monitor

“A love letter to alphabetarians and logomaniacs everywhere.” --Myla Goldberg“A curiously compelling . . . satire of human foibles, and a light-stepping commentary on censorship and totalitarianism.” --The Philadelphia Inquirer

“This exceptional, zany book will quickly make you laugh.” --Dallas Morning Herald Book

Ella Minnow Pea is a girl living happily on the fictional island of Nollop off the coast of South Carolina. Nollop was named after Nevin Nollop, author of the immortal pangram,* “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.” Now Ella finds herself acting to save her friends, family, and fellow citizens from the encroaching totalitarianism of the island’s Council, which has banned the use of certain letters of the alphabet as they fall from a memorial statue of Nevin Nollop. As the letters progressively drop from the statue they also disappear from the novel. The result is both a hilarious and moving story of one girl’s fight for freedom of expression, as well as a linguistic tour de force sure to delight word lovers everywhere.


Anonymous said...

Man, I feel really bad about Tyler. I'll for sure be praying for him. I'm glad that you liked the book, i personally would agree with all of your statements! It was great.
See ya.

Michelle said...

Get better, Tyler man! Can't wait to get the book...

Jenny said...

I just saw on our library webpage (as I was requesting the book you recommended) that Dunn has another book written in 2001- "Ella Minnow Pea : a progressively lipogrammatic epistolary fable." Maybe another good one for you to read? Or is it the same book, different publisher?

Kristy said...

I hope Tyler is better soon! Let us konw as soon as you find out anything.

The book sounds delightful -- I'll be getting that one.

Balancing & Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not.  P...