Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Here and Now

We're at a good place right now with our family.  It's busy, constant, and never-ending... but good.

Recently our youngest started taekwondo.  After a few tears, some bribery (that included M&Ms for everyone who would make his first experience better), and me pushing my baby to go ahead and try, he has found something that he loves.  This kiddo is so focused, fast, and furiously set on catching up to his big brothers in both skill and belt level.

This also means that for one hour, twice a week, all of our children are working hard and being entertained so Mr. Man and I can work out together.  After a good workout last week,  we hurried back to the taekwondo facility and sat to watch the final bits of their practice.  It's a joy to watch our children learning and growing and being physically active.
I turned to Mr. Man and whispered that we must be the smartest, luckiest parents around.  While other parents are driving around crazy from one activity to the next, we have all of our kids signed up for the same activity and we get to work out!  (I just have to remember those peaceful 2 hours a week while I'm running around crazy many hours of most other days.)


Memories On The Go said...
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Roy Saunderson said...

Remember...I have a reversible brown belt and black belt!

Balancing & Blogging

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