Monday, December 05, 2011


Winter here has come slowly this year. And I find myself anxious to be snowed in. I love having the fire going, candles burning, soft music playing, and all the kiddos home gathering around. I've tried hard to make our home "cozy" for when everyone gets home at the end of the day. Leaving items out so that the kids feel like they have come up with their own idea or project to do together has worked really well, and I find myself in love with the relationships that are developing and growing as we are stuck inside together. The end of the year and end of semester are drawing to a close, and busyness is upon us... and so I treasure these cozy moments when I try to focus on nothing but family (and making dinner!)

Often I forget, but here are a few shots I've taken of after-school coziness in our home.

1 comment:

Anne Marie said...

It all looks just you have things out for the kids to do and create. You're such a deliberate, thoughtful mom. All your kids have grown so much. Thanks so much for the card. Beautiful, beautiful family you have (now I'm talking like Yoda:).

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