Thursday, December 17, 2009

tickets please

*********We have a stomach bug and visitors at our house. Here's a post I never posted. Wish us well before birthdays, anniversaries, and Christmas arrive!

You know me and charts. I love a good system. We've been using a ticket system for screen time lately and I love it. It works. Meaning it limits screen time, it's controllable and simple.

Inside one of our kitchen cabinets are envelopes with the children's names to hold their earned tickets. There is also a note reminding them how they can earn tickets. Each ticket is worth 15 minutes of screen time, whether it be a movie (we don't have cable), playing video games or computer time. The children can earn tickets numerous ways: doing a certain amount of learning activities, extra piano practice, read/read to me, babysit The Toddler, play outside, extra job... Typically a half hour of another activity will earn you one 15 minute ticket. Not getting your morning chart done in the morning earns you a red ticket in your slot - meaning you lose the privelege of either earning or redeeming tickets. That sucks. There is no limit to how many tickets you can earn, but all of your unused tickets disapear on Sunday and you have to start over on Monday. (Saturday becomes a big "use up your tickets day" - which I am fine with!) On top of earning tickets, we almost always have Friday movie night which is a freebie.

I love this system so much right now. When a child comes to me begging for screen time, I don't have to be mean Mom, I merely ask if they have any tickets. I also get lots of "extra" jobs done around the house which is so worth it to me (on top of their daily jobs). Even if they are reading or playing outside with the intention of earning screen time, they are still doing a lot more of well-rounded activites than just sitting in front of a screen. Also, sometimes certain children will get frustrated with the system and choose not to earn any tickets and instead just play. Heaven forbid.

Because we have a pretty strict system, moments like when I had a migraine earlier and needed a movie to "babysit" are both guilt-free and special. I know that every family has individual beliefs and strategies for screen time, but I just wanted to share what works for us. For now.


Carla said...

that's awesome! thank you for sharing!

Lily said...

Great system. I will hold onto that idea and will try it out in a year or so.

Balancing & Blogging

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